Tuesday 17 December 2013

Network Evolution



Wire based communication is not a big wonder to the world today,since it been used even in the early 18th century.According to Wikipedia,the first successful trans-Atlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1865.Aregular transatlantic radiotelegraph service finally began in 1907.To make matters more complicated,100 years later-on 27th January 2006,the world last telegraph message was sent by Western Union,making the network nearly obsolete from practical use .Packet s switching network communication idea seeded in the 1940s,with the conversion of regular telephone network into digital lines.Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA) started working on a so called ‘inter-galactic” network in 1962,and this was the first attempt to establish a sustainable Wide Area Network for communication purpose.


ARPA launched its first successful long distance packetswitching communication network in 1969 with the name ARPAnet. It consisted of four universities, which interconnected the researchers working on the project at the time. In the initial communication of ARPAnet, sending only the  world “login” to the other end took almost an hour. Even yet ,it is a fact that ARPAnet was the predecessor of the internet and the research was a huge success,compared to the technology they had at the time.By 1973, 75% of the ARPAnet traffic was email and in 1973,File Transfer Protocol (FTP) was introduced ,enabling uploading and downloading of files.

                                                TCP/IP protocol suits

TCP/IP is a layered protocol stack that provides reliability and simplicity in data communication. ARPA started research in 1970s,looking at means reducing network to the bare minimum,while simultaheously joining almost any network. Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) should work together to have dependable communication.The version 4 of the procotol was standardized in 1978 with high-stability-the underlying standard protocol used even today in the internet.

Apart from the development of Internet,there were other experiments to develop Local Area Network (LAN) communication.
Challenging other networking standard like Token-Ring, Ethernet holds the medal to be the standard protocol for LAN communication, due to its speed and reliability .Ethernet provides staggering 10 gigabits per second speed,known as 10G Ethernet is still an emerging technology,and remains to receive commercial acceptance.


In year 1993,Sir Tim Berners Lee inverted the roadway for multimedia global information-a highway over the World Wibe Web. Fortunately for us, he made the entire technology royalty-free,making it accessible at no cost for anyone.Scholar agree that this was one of the biggest turning points in computing related network communications in recent history.The world Wide Web is global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the internet.

Timeline of World Wide Web 
1980–1991: Development of the World Wide Web
1992–1995: Growth of the WWW
1996–1998: Commercialization of the WWW
1999–2001: "Dot-com" boom and bust
2002–present: The Web becomes ubiquitous

How Does The Internet Work


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